What is IEEE?
The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) found since 1884 by a group of engineers who recognized the
importance of spreading knowledge and technology around the world.
IEEE Facts
• World’s largest technical professional society.
• Publishes 30% of the world’s literature in electrical & electronics engineering and computer science.
• Offers nearly 900 active industry standards.
• More than 360,000 members in 174 countries.
• Over 60,000 Student Members.
• Organized over 350 international conferences.
• Provides career resources and continuing education opportunities.
• Nearly 1,200 Student Branches.
• 38 Societies and 4 Technical Councils.
• Nearly 1,300 Society Chapters.
• Divided geographically into 10 Regions.
IEEE in Egypt
The IEEE is divided into different categories according to geographical regions, technical aspects, and expertise.
Geographically, The IEEE divides the world into 10 regions. IEEE Egypt Section lies in Region 8,
which includes Europe sections, Africa, and Middle East Sections.
Technically, The IEEE is divided into 40 technical societies, concerned and specialized in the different branches in computer,
communications, electrical, and electronics engineering. Each society has its own publications, conferences and chapters serving the societies activities.
IEEE subscriptions are divided into different categories according to the experience of the member.
These categories start from student memberships, through GOLD (graduates of last decade),
then senior memberships and then IEEE Fellow members, given to scientists and members who have dedicated their lives for serving
their fields.
The IEEE history in Egypt is back to 50 years ago. Annual Technical conferences and workshops in various engineering fields have
been organized by the IEEE Egypt Section since then.
The IEEE Egypt Section is supervising 2 Affinity Groups (AG) in Egypt; Graduates of Last Decade or GOLD AG and the Women In
Engineering or WIE AG.
The IEEE Egypt section is also supervising various activities in 12 universities through IEEE student branches, among them:
Cairo Univ., Ain-Shams Univ., Alexandria Univ., AUC, Helwan Univ., Zagazig Univ., Elmansoura Univ., Monofia Univ.,
The High Technology Institute at 10th of Ramadan., Arab Academy for Science and technology.
The IEEE Student Branches in universities, are held in order to enhance the benefits that student members receive from their
IEEE membership, help them building up their technical experience through organizing some events and workshops, visits to industry,
technical seminars and courses.
IEEE Egypt Section Board:
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Younis,
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Sameer Shaheen, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo Univeristy
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sawy, Chairman, Systems Engineering of Egypt, SEE
[email protected]