This category is for Undergraduate students in their final graduation year at any governmental/private faculty of Engineering
or Computer Science can participate with their graduation projects.
Basic Rules
• Team Formation: Participants should form teams of minimum of 2.
• Sponsorship Details:
o Having a sponsor is a must to continue in the competition phases.
o Sponsors Can be:
Industry Entities.
Private business companies.
Governmental Organizations.
o Sponsor should provide the teams with (one or more):
Technical Support needed to develop their project.
Financial Support.
Managerial Support.
Competition Schedule:
The MIE competition starts in August 2009 where teams will pass through phases starting by a summer training camp and
ending with the competition finals in August 2010.

The competition phases are as follows:
Activity | Date |
Admission Point (1) | 1st June 2009 – 15th July 2009 |
Summer Training | 10th August 2009 – 20th August 2009 |
Market Research and Sponsor Engagement Phase | 30th August 2009 – 1st March 2010 |
Mid Year Training | 12th February 2010 – 13th February 2010 |
Admission Point (2) | 21st August 2009 – 1st March 2010 |
Filtration Point | 1st March 2010 |
Submit Final Report | 1st May 2010 |
Prototype is ready | 15th July 2010 |
Finals | 1st August 2010 |
Teams can apply to join MIE at 2 different times and each time has its requirements.
Students from each team should go to the registration page and fill and submit the competition application form.
Competition Application Form consists of:
• Team Members Information.
• HR Application.
• Supervisor Information (If available).
• Project Abstract (If available).
The MIE Committee will select the teams who will continue in the competition phases based on the info included in the
application form.
MIE competition will select 200 teams form this admission point based on the info in the application form, these teams
will have some exclusive privileges and support from MIE, represented in:
o Direct team coordination from MIE.
o Support for sponsorship.
o Support to get needed development tools.
o Summer Training.
o Midyear Training.
Teams that will apply after “Admission Point 1” will not be rejected as they have another chance of joining MIE thoough
“Admission point 2”.
• Starts right after we announce the accepted teams from Admission Point 1.
Ends on the 1st of March.
Teams that will join MIE in “Admission point 2”point will not have the previlages previously listed for teams joining in
“Admission point 1”. But they will have online support through the MIE official forum.
• Teams that will apply within this timeframe will:
o Get a CD containing the MIE training materials.
o Be e-mailed with a package containing the MIE forms, reports and documents they will use throughout the year.
o Have online support through the MIE forum.
• These teams will NOT have exclusive privileges and support from MIE, represented in:
o Direct team coordination from MIE.
o Support for sponsorship.
o Support for getting needed development tools.
o Summer Training.
o Midyear Training.
The selected teams will attended a summer training camp in Cairo with accommodation support.
The training will include softskills, business skilss and technical training. The training represents an orientation phase for
teams to help in enhancing their entrepreneurial skills to take their innovations into market.
The training topics are:
# | Training Topics |
1 | Communication and Presentation Skills Learn how to communicate and show your ideas professionally with different stakeholders in 1-to-1 and Panel situations (sponsors, judges…etc). |
2 | Teamwork Create a team that can work together effectively, understand each others, handle conflicts and survive united to the end. |
3 | Negotiation Skills Negotiate with sponsors and different stakeholders targeting a Win-Win deal. |
4 | 6 Thinking Hats Utilizing a variety of approaches within thinking and problem solving, thus servicing the needs of all individuals concerned. |
5 | Entrepreneurship Get the vision and spirit of Entrepreneurship and know how to be an entrepreneur. |
6 | Fundamentals of Marketing Understand basic marketing concepts and customer/market needs. Create innovative ideas, added values and competitive edges. |
7 | Industry Analysis & Competitive Strategy Understanding market analysis and how to reflect research and analysis result on developed product/service. |
8 | Business Writing Articulate your ideas clearly and effectively through abstracts and proposals to get a winning deal and communicate professionally with sponsors and different stakeholders using different types of writing. |
9 | Project Management Learn how to plan the project time plan, allocate resources (Human, financial, tools…etc) and plan for different risks. |
10 | Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyrights Know the concept and importance of IP and learn how to protect your innovations through a set of best practices. |
11 | Product Design and Development Learn how to get into a professional product development lifecycle starting from product planning and gathering customer needs until making your prototype. |
12 | How to get a sponsor Learn how to get in contact with potential sponsors and how to present your project idea effectively to get a winning deal. |
Teams should study the market and make a market research with the target of having a project idea that satisfies real need, put
an initial technical design and get a sponsor for this idea. At the end of this phase every team must have a sponsor and apply
a full proposal containing project details, company information and sponsorship deal to continue to next MIE phases.
You have 2 scenarios to get a sponsor for your project; either to contact sponsors on your own or send to one or more of the
companies in contact with MIE. In both cases, the sponsor should send to MIE sponsorship confirmation email with the final
proposal attached.
In this training there will be seminars to attend with topics suitable to this stage
There will be also an evaluation meeting at the same time as:
o Teams will present their projects, the progress they have achieved, problems that they overcame and problems that still
exist to the committee and to other teams.
o You will be evaluated by the committee and get advised for the problems either in the team management or in the
project progress.
Both applicants from “Admission point 1” and “Admission point 2” should submit
1. Project Proposal
a. Project Info Form: It shows the project technical and business aspects in brief.
b. 1st MIE Report: This is mainly concentrating on the market research phase. It represents a very informative and useful
source for you during this period. It’s very important to read the Product Design and Development Book and apply it
practically in your research. This report will guide you through the book and will be very supportive for you through
this phase. You should start working on this report during the market research phase to make best use of it.
Don’t postpone it till last days.
2. Sponsorship Deal
a. Sponsor Info Form: It shows sponsor company information. This is to be filled by the sponsor.
b. IUL form: It helps in shaping the relation between the team and the sponsor by defining the sponsorship deal.
It also shows some general terms for the sponsorship deal. The IUL Form should be filled and accepted by all the 3
involved parties, Supervisor, Sponsor and the Team. To make it easy for the sponsor and the supervisor, it’s highly
recommended that you fill it first then review it with them till both of them accept it. Make sure that you add all
required contacts correctly.
The filtration will be based on the final proposal. It’ll cover these main points:
• Sponsorship Deal
o You must have a sponsor by this time and must have submitted all the required forms.
o The sponsorship deal will be examined to make sure it’s a true deal and represents an added value for the Team
and/or the Sponsor.
• Project proposal
o Technical Approach and Design.
o Business Vision.
This report will cover the technical design and the prototyping issues. It’ll be very useful to guide you to reach a strong design
and get used to make technical design documents. The filtration will be based on your project’s technical and business aspects in
more details.
Judging Panels
The teams will present their projects to judges’ panel:
o The Judges will have your projects’ abstracts and reports to have a clear picture about the project.