IEEE Egypt GOLD “Graduates Of The Last Decade”
Egypt to be a proactive community, advanced country in all Technical, Social and Economical field based on our human resources
and our culture.
Participate in country development in all Technical, Economical and Social fields, Encourage Egyptian & Arab youth to be proactive
and take the responsibility, promotes the process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, & applying knowledge about
technologies & sciences for the benefit of humanity.
Encourage Egyptian youth to be proactive and give them the chance to participate in the society development.
Benchmark, Transfer of technology and learn from successful models while implementing our development programs putting in
consideration our local needs and concerns.
Networking and uniting efforts of all international and local people, institutes, organizations that serve our programs vision
and share the same area of interests and keeping all win situation.
Spread special awareness programs in our activities that present for all the society the importance of synergy, contribution
and hard work in the country development.
Encourage entrepreneurship concept between the youth and implement practical roadmaps and training programs that help them to
develop their own business.
Encourage research & development depending on Industry and society needs.
Participate in creating technology centers inside universities.
Develop programs and implement successful models for cooperation between industry and university keeping all win situations.
Develop training programs for the graduates and undergraduates to learn them some important soft skills (communication skills –
team working – planning – project management).
Create and implement special programs for schools that encourage the students to contribute in the country development and to
discover the talent and genies students.
Be SMART in our programs and implement them with full roadmap, managing systems and performance evaluation with high level of
Our Current Activities At A Glance
The IEEE GOLD in Egypt runs numerous achievements and activities since its establishment in 2002 as illustrated

Made In Egypt Competition (MIE) Program since 2005
Industry-University Link Conferences, held in Zakazik in 2006 and in Port-said in 2007
The Egyptian Engineering Day (EED)
since 2002
Pre-college Program represented in Future City competition since 2003 and First Lego League
Organizing the SBC2002 (IEEE Region 8 student branch congress jointly with 1st Region 8 GOLD congress)
– Interpersonal soft skills seminars and training programs
– Technical seminars
– Social activities
Regional Achievements
• IEEE GOLD Egypt has been ranked as the Second GOLD Affinity group World-Wide and the First GOLD Affinity group all over Region 8 for its
remarkable achievements.
• IEEE GOLD Egypt Chair got the IEEE Regional Achievement Award for year 2006
• IEEE GOLD Egypt Founder is one of the Main IEEE GOLD Region 8 coordinating team, The Team is responsible for regional planning for IEEE GOLD
activities over the Region 8 ( Asia, Europe and Africa )
• IEEE GOLD Egypt is responsible for promoting IEEE GOLD activities in surrounding Arab countries.